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E18 | Dr. Steve Meress, MD | "The Doctor's Doctor."

In this episode, Ben speaks with Internist Medical Doctor, Steve Meress.  Dr. Meress has gotten the reputation amidst several doctors as the Doctor’s Doctor, the physician that Physicians send their loved ones to, as well as patient’s they are out of treatment options with.  
Patients from around the globe travel to Fond du Lac, Wisconsin to see Steve — prior to Covid of course — because he’s that good.  Dr. Steve happens to be the doctor  Ben went to in 2010 when he  was extremely sick, and countless doctors he went to couldn’t quite identify what was going on with him. 

As Covid-19 rages, Steve has an abundance of practical medical wisdom for all of us to consider as we face big questions of a vaccine roll out, and how we can mitigate the risk of ending up in the hospital. 

Steve is the founder of Fox Valley Wellness Center in Fon Du Lac, Wisconsin. More information at

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